Finding The Spark Of Joy In Stillness

Can I really find joy by being still?
In the pursuit of our passions, we often find ourselves caught in the tempest of achievement, lost in the tumultuous currents of busyness. And we ask ourselves, “How can I maintain a balance between chasing my goals and taking those much-needed moments of stillness?”

My guest today is Saidi Bess an Energy Healer, Medicine Woman, and the Founder of Healing Sacred Feminine. She’s here to help us explore how stillness is more than the absence of motion, but rather the canvas on which our passions paint their most vibrant strokes.

Saidi Bess is an Energy Healer, Medicine Woman and the Founder of Healing Sacred Feminine. She is on a mission to return women back to their authentic, empowered selves.

Her huge passion is bringing greater awareness to the inherited unconscious grief held in our energetic and physical bodies, and in the collective, due to thousands of years of women’s oppression and violence.

She utilizes love, energy healing, transformational programs, women’s retreats, and community events to support healing the collective’s dysfunctional feminine expression, clear trauma, reconnect us to our hearts, and find a new empowering way forward.


Donnalynn Riley is a Joy Coach and Speaker. She has been described as a powerful translator for humankind, helping people take the esoteric concepts that make sense around how the world works; spirituality, the law of attraction, energy, the power of the mind–and apply them in a way that actually works to create lasting joyful success with ease. 

She helps people have the best day ever over and over again, moving away from ineffectively envisioning the things they want: more time, more money, and more freedom, to create their dream life full of joy, success and ease.

Educated as a Spiritual Health Coach, Quantum Biofeedback Specialist and Certified Law Of Attraction Wealth Practitioner, Donnalynn has been coaching high-achievers to become masters of their energy, communication, relationships, and success for over a decade. 

Featured in FOX, ABC, NBC, and CBS, Donnalynn Riley is now on a mission to inspire 42 million people to prioritize their joy and emotional well-being so they can achieve their goals and have the most awesome time doing it!

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Finding The Spark Of Joy In Stillness
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