Healing Heart & Soul

Does ‘fake it til you make it’ works when it comes to heart matter? In order to hide our emotions when often put on a mask because we care a lot about other people’s opinions of what we are going through. We hide and cover ourselves up. As a result, we fail to experience the beauty of the healing process. Some say physical healing is far from healing the heart and soul coz’ wounds from the inside cut deeper than the physical. But how can internal healing affect your physical body?

On the podcast, Philippa talks about what she calls “A beautiful mess”. Unpacking those things that we kept hidden inside of us isn’t that easy. It would mean taking out to light the ugly and worst part of us. But this is where the healing process starts.

Philippa Storie is The Global Intuitive Healer, whose purpose and passion is to assist beautiful souls on their healing journey. 

She’s an intuitive empath and since she was very young she always knew that she would live a life helping others heal. She loves working with Mothers to heal their past trauma and limiting beliefs so that we can raise our children in love and not limitation.

She believes that suffering is not our natural state and this is why it is so uncomfortable to heal. We are meant to THRIVE but no one teaches us this.

My guest today, Philippa Storie, The Global Intuitive Healer, talked about how what’s inside of us manifests in our physical body and shared some tips on how we can experience the healing of the heart and soul.


Donnalynn Riley has been coaching business people to become masters of their communication, relationships and success for over a decade. From a career on Broadway to being CEO of a multimillion-dollar corporation, her own journey helped her understand and create strategies for managing emotions and surpassing every goal. Featured in FOX, ABC, NBC, and CBS, Donnalynn is now on a mission to inspire 42 million women to prioritize their joy and emotional well-being so they can show up as the best version of themselves!

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Healing Heart & Soul
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