How Awareness And Releasing Emotions Work Together

How Awareness And Releasing Emotions Work Together 

Are Negative Emotions Hard To Let Go?

Admit it - whenever you get overwhelmed with negative emotions it's easy to pile on further condemnation. Have you ever wondered what you can do about that? 

On the podcast, we talk through the process of letting go and shifting those emotions. Christina breaks it down as if we are in slow motion so you can really understand the process. 
Using several types of awareness in different circumstances can enhance your ability to move quickly through the process. 

Christina Fletcher is a spiritual alignment coach and energy healer who helps “too busy to meditate” women connect to the best version of themselves, without long retreats from their life and even with healing to be done. Through practices in practical spirituality, mindset, and energy work, Christina helps you get spirituality off of the hobby shelf and instead as a driving fuel to your life so you can show up as who you really are. Through coaching, books, courses, and her own podcast, Showing Up Whole, Christina is passionate about helping people know that being true to themselves doesn't have to be hard.

My guest on the podcast, Christina Fletcher, a Spiritual Alignment Coach, shares the beauty of the never-ending cycle of awareness and releasing emotions. And how they work perfectly together.


Donnalynn Riley has been coaching business people to become masters of their communication, relationships and success for over a decade. From a career on Broadway to being CEO of a multimillion-dollar corporation, her own journey helped her understand and create strategies for managing emotions and surpassing every goal. Featured in FOX, ABC, NBC, and CBS, Donnalynn is now on a mission to inspire 42 million women to prioritize their joy and emotional well-being so they can show up as the best version of themselves!

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How Awareness And Releasing Emotions Work Together
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