How To Be Happy Loving Food

Sneaking Into The Kitchen In The Middle Of The Night or Hiding Food In Your Purse? For 45 years Julie Latz was obsessed with and controlled by food. Rediscover the joy of a healthy relationship with food with our guest today, Julie Latz, Food Psychology Coach, who used to be a food addict, and break free from being a binge eater to being a peaceful eater.
Sneaking Into The Kitchen In The Middle Of The Night or Hiding Food In Your Purse?

The sound of the wrapper crinkling in the quiet of the night, grabbing your favorite snack in sight. It starts with a simple craving. A thought creeps into your mind, urging you to grab just one more cookie, one more bag of chips. But before you know it, that single craving has spiraled into an all-out binge.

For 45 years Julie Latz was obsessed with and controlled by food. She felt like her life revolved around it. She was either trying the “latest and greatest” diet plan hoping she could muster up the willpower to stay on it long enough to take off all the weight, or she was eating everything in sight.

Finally, in October of 2010, She realized that all of the dieting she had tried only led to deprivation and that deprivation led right back to bingeing. It was a cycle she repeated for 45 years and the only way to change her life was to interrupt this pattern.

Luckily she figured out what she had been doing wrong all along. She realized that she needed to live as the opposite of a binge eater in order to start feeling calm around food. By making some simple mindset shifts, she changed her relationship with food, reached her goal weight, and reclaimed her life.

She changed from being a food addict to being a peaceful eater and happily maintaining a 90 pound weight loss.

Rediscover the joy of a healthy relationship with food with our guest today, Julie Latz, Food Psychology Coach, who used to be a food addict, and break free from being a binge eater to being a peaceful eater.


Donnalynn Riley has been coaching business people to become masters of their communication, relationships and success for over a decade. From a career on Broadway to being CEO of a multimillion-dollar corporation, her own journey helped her understand and create strategies for managing emotions and surpassing every goal. Featured in FOX, ABC, NBC, and CBS, Donnalynn is now on a mission to inspire 42 million women to prioritize their joy and emotional well-being so they can show up as the best version of themselves!

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How To Be Happy Loving Food
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