How To Create A Good Life

What constitutes a good life, anyway?

We all have a vision of what a good life looks like for us. For some, it may mean having financial stability. For others maybe having a career that allows us to do what really we love. And others may say that it’s having a family that loves us unconditionally and supports us through thick and thin. Whatever your ideal life may be, the desire for it is what propels us forward. But what does it take to have not just your ideal life but a really good one, where you can enjoy every area of it and be authentic with yourself?

Alia Jamal is The Love Coach and Pranic Healer who is dedicated to helping women connect with Unconditional Love within themselves. She combines her 10-year experience in cytogenetics, the study of human behavior, and the human energy body to help her clients align with their True Selves. She helps them eliminate fears, anxiety, guilt, and judgments and create a life of love and power.

Alia shares her insights on what really a good life is and what self-unconditional love has to do with it.

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Donnalynn Riley has been coaching business people to become masters of their communication, relationships and success for over a decade. From a career on Broadway to being CEO of a multimillion-dollar corporation, her own journey helped her understand and create strategies for managing emotions and surpassing every goal. Featured in FOX, ABC, NBC, and CBS, Donnalynn is now on a mission to inspire 42 million women to prioritize their joy and emotional well-being so they can show up as the best version of themselves!

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How To Create A Good Life
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