How To Deal With Toxic People By Changing Yourself

You’re at a party, surrounded by friends and laughter when suddenly someone who has a courteous mean streak enters the room. Like a stormy wind, you can feel everyone in the room hold their breath. Authentic joy seems to be impossible at that very moment. But is it?
Is there anything you can do to avoid this situation where you try to just fake it until you make it? How are you supposed to deal with this kind of person who seems to suck all the joy out of the room? Dealing with toxic people can be messy, but there’s a way to handle these situations without losing yourself or your self-worth.

Pascal provides coaching for leaders to assist in achieving their long-term goals. His aim is to guide them in navigating the fast-changing business environment. His passion based on his experience is the corporate world, especially inspiring through podcasts, motivation talks and business coaching.

Pascal is able to help personal and professional development very quickly, since he uses a wide range of holistic methods. He loves to change the mindset of successful managers who have a lot of stress and the feeling that their efforts are never enough.
He helps the companies through improving the managers’ self-awareness, discovering their hidden abilities and increasing their authenticity to make them solid as a rock.

As you listen to the podcast, Pascal Dricot, Certified Business & Psychosocial Counselor, uncovers how to understand toxic people and be able to deal with them effectively.



Donnalynn Riley has been coaching business people to become masters of their communication, relationships and success for over a decade. From a career on Broadway to being CEO of a multimillion-dollar corporation, her own journey helped her understand and create strategies for managing emotions and surpassing every goal. Featured in FOX, ABC, NBC, and CBS, Donnalynn is now on a mission to inspire 42 million women to prioritize their joy and emotional well-being so they can show up as the best version of themselves!

Each of these podcast episodes introduces you to new perspectives and new options for how you may find better success in beginning the journey of learning to more laughter and play. Listen, comment, review, participate and share so that you can claim the joy of living boldly.

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How To Deal With Toxic People By Changing Yourself
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