How To Get Out Of Your Own Way And Live Fully

Does doubt keep you from seeing yourself for who you really are?

Welcome to a transformative journey toward self-discovery and a more enriched life. In an era characterized by constant distractions and societal pressures, it’s easy to lose touch with our true selves. When self-doubt creeps in, how do we usually react and act? How do mindset and alignment play an important role in breaking free from self-imposed limitations?

In this episode, Karen shares tips on unveiling the keys to living life to its fullest that starts by dismantling the barriers we’ve created for ourselves. She offers actionable steps to aid us on our journey to living happily and fully.

My guest today is Karen Seltz, Confidence and Visibility Coach. She’ll uncover ways to shatter self-limiting beliefs, adapt to change, and ultimately perceive ourselves for who we genuinely are.

Karen Seltz, M. Ed. is a Confidence and Visibility Coach who supports coaches and online business owners to integrate their heads with their hearts and speak with authenticity and authority on camera.  She knows that creating a deep connection with your audience on video is the quickest way to create that “Know, like, and trust factor” that followers require in order to become paying clients. Karen teaches her clients how to get our of their own way and focus on serving their audience so they can finally create the impact and income they desire.

Karen combines her knowledge, wisdom, and experience as an entrepreneur and coach, hosting a weekly LIVE TV show, spirituality, neuroscience, and meditation, with her contagious humor to create a safe, fun environment where people can let their guard down, learn to trust themselves, and begin sharing their gifts with the world in a way that magnetizes the perfect clients to them.  

Karen has a Master’s of Education in Counseling, is a Certified Life Coach, a Licensed Brain Gym Consultant, host of the weekly live TV show Irresistible YOU: Ignite Your Passion & Purpose, Founder of Video Authority Academy, inspirational speaker and author with more than 25 years of combined experience.  


Donnalynn Riley is a Joy Coach and Speaker. She has been described as a powerful translator for humankind, helping people take the esoteric concepts that make sense around how the world works; spirituality, the law of attraction, energy, the power of the mind–and apply them in a way that actually works to create lasting joyful success with ease. 

She helps people have the best day ever over and over again, moving away from ineffectively envisioning the things they want: more time, more money, and more freedom, to create their dream life full of joy, success and ease.

Educated as a Spiritual Health Coach, Quantum Biofeedback Specialist and Certified Law Of Attraction Wealth Practitioner, Donnalynn has been coaching high-achievers to become masters of their energy, communication, relationships, and success for over a decade. 

Featured in FOX, ABC, NBC, and CBS, Donnalynn Riley is now on a mission to inspire 42 million people to prioritize their joy and emotional well-being so they can achieve their goals and have the most awesome time doing it!

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How To Get Out Of Your Own Way And Live Fully
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