Leadership, Purpose And Happiness

Most people don’t see themselves as leaders, but believe it or not, every single one of us is a leader. Sometimes, we try to downplay the importance of the role we serve in people’s lives. Leaders don’t just lead, they exemplify! We are called to lead, and when we start living our purpose, we add value to people’s lives and bring joy to our own lives.

In this episode, Maria Aguirre, a  leadership mindset coach will help us unravel the secrets of leadership and purpose and discover that they are not mere stepping stones to happiness. Instead, they are integrally connected to the joy in our lives.

Maria Aguirre is a bestselling & international award-winning author, speaker, and leadership mindset coach, with a wealth of experience under her belt. With a remarkable 27-year career in corporate leadership, particularly in Aerospace Operations, Maria has now dedicated her time to sharing her insights and supporting aspiring leaders in fully embracing their purpose.

Her mission is to assist them in discovering meaning and fulfillment in both their professional and personal lives, enabling them to consistently achieve high performance through self-leadership, effective team-building, and impactful communication. 

Maria firmly believes that, armed with the right tools, most leaders can establish profound connections with their teams and view their roles as opportunities to positively influence others.


Donnalynn Riley is a Joy Coach and Speaker. She has been described as a powerful translator for humankind, helping people take the esoteric concepts that make sense around how the world works; spirituality, the law of attraction, energy, the power of the mind–and apply them in a way that actually works to create lasting joyful success with ease. 

She helps people have the best day ever over and over again, moving away from ineffectively envisioning the things they want: more time, more money, and more freedom, to create their dream life full of joy, success and ease.

Educated as a Spiritual Health Coach, Quantum Biofeedback Specialist and Certified Law Of Attraction Wealth Practitioner, Donnalynn has been coaching high-achievers to become masters of their energy, communication, relationships, and success for over a decade. 

Featured in FOX, ABC, NBC, and CBS, Donnalynn Riley is now on a mission to inspire 42 million people to prioritize their joy and emotional well-being so they can achieve their goals and have the most awesome time doing it!

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Leadership, Purpose And Happiness
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