Using Your Heart And Brain To Find Joy

One of the big questions I hear is “how do I to appreciate what I have right now if it’s not what I want?” Nadia Carta from Google talks to us about learning to live in the present and how that changes your ability to appreciate the things you love about your live regardless of how much you dislike some parts of your experience. Whether you’re on and off airplanes 5-days a week like Nadia was or permanently working from home, these skills are essential. 

Learning to connect your heart and your brain in a powerful way can make all the difference when it comes to being effective and enjoying every moment of it.

In this episode, Nadia, a peak performer and an Executive Coach, talks about how our hearts and brains are connected in living a zealous life. And how living with your heart and brain harmonized can get you where you want to be in terms of joy, success, and life.

Nadia Carts is Google’s Head of Industry in US. She holds a Masters Degree in Marketing, Brand Strategy and Management from IULM in Milan, and she is a certified member of International Coaching Federation with diploma from Erickson Coaching. Nadia is a member of the Professional Women Network and the co-chair of Google’s Head of Industry Council for the Americas. She is a member and mentor for She Runs IT.

Nadia is a successful executive coach, TedX and motivational event speaker, mentor and sponsor for underrepresented groups and young talents. Passionate about leadership, with Jeff Lakusta she created 99 Humans: a multimedia platform centered on humanizing leadership across industries.

Having coached and mentored hundreds of people from all walks of life, a pattern emerged: more often than not we go through our days on autopilot without truly savoring life, feeling grateful for what we have and on-fire about our existence. So she decided to create a movement, Spark Your Zeal, to radically evolve our attitudes, invigorate our spirits, and to inspire and show people how to bring the fire back into their life and work, and turn obstacles into the fuel that achieves a richer internal and external bottom line.



Donnalynn Riley is a Joy Coach and Speaker. She has been described as a powerful translator for humankind, helping people take the esoteric concepts that make sense around how the world works; spirituality, the law of attraction, energy, the power of the mind–and apply them in a way that actually works to create lasting joyful success with ease. 

She helps people have the best day ever over and over again, moving away from ineffectively envisioning the things they want: more time, more money, and more freedom, to create their dream life full of joy, success and ease.

Educated as a Spiritual Health Coach, Quantum Biofeedback Specialist and Certified Law Of Attraction Wealth Practitioner, Donnalynn has been coaching high-achievers to become masters of their energy, communication, relationships, and success for over a decade. 

Featured in FOX, ABC, NBC, and CBS, Donnalynn Riley is now on a mission to inspire 42 million people to prioritize their joy and emotional well-being so they can achieve their goals and have the most awesome time doing it!

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Using Your Heart And Brain To Find Joy
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