What can WandaVision Teach Us About Tapping Into Our Real Life Super Powers?

Our guest today is Collean O’Brien, a Certified ThetaHealing® Practitioner and Instructor. In this episode, we discuss the parallels between the lead character’s life in the hit television series “WandaVision” and real-life grief coping mechanisms that we all use.
Have you ever felt like you could connect with the characters on television? Powerful, onscreen characters — including superheroes — are popular because they are relatable. They’re not just there for entertainment; we can learn from them.

Our guest today is Collean O’Brien, a Certified ThetaHealing® Practitioner and Instructor. In this episode, we discuss the parallels between the lead character’s life in the hit television series “WandaVision” and real-life grief coping mechanisms that we all use.

Join us as we dive deep into Wanda’s character traits of trying to control everything, how her behaviors mirror our own, and how we mortals can try to disconnect from our feelings just as Wanda does. As Wanda continues down her path, we realize that we all have superpowers with which we can influence our lives and heal ourselves.

Collean O’Brien is a Certified ThetaHealing® Practitioner and Instructor who teaches people to heal themselves through thought, prayer, natural intuition, and changing their brainwaves to the “Theta” state, which creates a healing state for the mind and body. She uses the ThetaHealing® technique to help others reprogram the beliefs that limit them in order to support the reality they are striving to create.

Please watch and listen to the fantastic insight into how we can take lessons from a TV show and apply them to our own lives using ThetaHealing®.

To find out more about Collean, and the ThetaHealing® sessions and courses she offers, check out her website and social media below. 


After my husband passed away, I heard a song that focused on the lyric, “Love like there’s no such thing as a broken heart,” and I thought to myself, “everyone always says stuff like that.” A moment later, I wondered what the world would be like if the lyrics were taken literally. Not just that my heart hadn’t been broken, but that broken hearts simply didn’t exist. As I focused there, I felt something begin to shift inside my very soul.

My years as a Spiritual Health Coach, combined with exceptional spiritual practices and guides, have made my experience accessing that spark infinitely easier. In this podcast, I interview practitioners and coaches who can help you find your way after a loss. They are people who have walked that walk themselves and can tell their story of the windy road that leads back to peace, love, and even joyous happiness.

Each week you may find guidance and inspiration to walk through your own grief or trauma and take back the reins of your own life. Identifying and achieving your desired emotional state is a skill you can learn even though you might feel like you can’t control anything after a loss or trauma. It’s normal to feel like everything is simply… backward. With the proper instruction and teaching, you can learn how to find control again in your life and get back to where you want to be.

Each of these podcast episodes introduces you to new perspectives and new options for how you may find better success in beginning the journey of learning to laugh and play again. Listen to all of them or select the ones you want to listen to in whatever order works for you.

Until Soon,

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What can WandaVision Teach Us About Tapping Into Our Real Life Super Powers?
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