What Is Resilience To A World Traveler

Life’s a bit like a perpetual journey, isn’t it? Just when we think we’ve got the route all figured out, it tosses us a curveball, much like a sailor facing unexpected storms at sea. Resilience, in our world, serves as the compass we use to recalibrate our course. It’s our ability to bounce back, adapt, and thrive despite the tempests that come our way.

In this episode, Lloyd Cain, the founder of Cain Business Coaching, and I dive deep into the heart of resilience. Lloyd shares his own travel tales and connects them to the lessons we’ve learned about facing life’s trials head-on.

It is an exploration of the remarkable parallels between the life of a world traveler and the art of resilience in our daily lives. 

Lloyd Cain is the founder of Cain Business Coaching, which provides a professional
 executive coaching service to small and medium sized enterprises both at home, being Cape Town South Africa, as well as overseas such as the United Kingdom. 

Prior to becoming a business coach, Lloyd spent a couple years in the Middle East volunteering on Kibbutzim, there after he ventured into the exclusive world of luxury private yachts, working his way up to First Mate. During this time, he had the opportunity to travel around the world onboard these yachts. 

Upon returning to South Africa, Lloyd completed his undergraduate degree in Humanities, his honours in History and in 2020 finished his Masters degree in management coaching from Stellenbosch University Business school.

When Lloyd is not coaching, he enjoys spending time with his partner exploring wine farms and sailing when the weather allows for it, which thankfully is majority of the time.



Donnalynn Riley is a Joy Coach and Speaker. She has been described as a powerful translator for humankind, helping people take the esoteric concepts that make sense around how the world works; spirituality, the law of attraction, energy, the power of the mind–and apply them in a way that actually works to create lasting joyful success with ease. 

She helps people have the best day ever over and over again, moving away from ineffectively envisioning the things they want: more time, more money, and more freedom, to create their dream life full of joy, success and ease.

Educated as a Spiritual Health Coach, Quantum Biofeedback Specialist and Certified Law Of Attraction Wealth Practitioner, Donnalynn has been coaching high-achievers to become masters of their energy, communication, relationships, and success for over a decade. 

Featured in FOX, ABC, NBC, and CBS, Donnalynn Riley is now on a mission to inspire 42 million people to prioritize their joy and emotional well-being so they can achieve their goals and have the most awesome time doing it!

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What Is Resilience To A World Traveler
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