Why You Feel The Way You Do

Sometimes it's easier to connect with your pet than your human loved ones. Our emotions tell a story that starts with birth and leads to the moment you are in right now. All along the way shaping how we form relationships and respond to emotional triggers throughout our lives.

In this episode, Reneau, talks about the connections between emotional triggers and the intricate web of our experiences. Even how 7-circuits play an important role in understanding your pet.

My guest today, Reneau Peurifoy, Author, Therapist and Teacher, helps us to discover the "why" behind our emotions and encourages us to embrace a greater sense of self-awareness.

Reneau Peurifoy (ren-no pure-ih-foi) holds a master’s degree in counseling and is the author of four books: Anxiety, Phobias, and Panic: Taking Charge and Conquering Fear, Overcoming Anxiety: From Short-Term Fixes to Long-Term Recovery, Anger: Taming the Beast and the just released Why You Feel the Way You Do. Reneau was in private practice for twenty years as a marriage and family therapist specializing in anxiety disorders. He retired from private practice to teach at a local College in Sacramento, California. He has since retired from teaching and spends his time writing, speaking, and playing guitar. He has a YouTube channel that features videos on a variety of practical life skills.


Donnalynn Riley has been coaching business people to become masters of their communication, relationships and success for over a decade. From a career on Broadway to being CEO of a multimillion-dollar corporation, her own journey helped her understand and create strategies for managing emotions and surpassing every goal. Featured in FOX, ABC, NBC, and CBS, Donnalynn is now on a mission to inspire 42 million women to prioritize their joy and emotional well-being so they can show up as the best version of themselves!

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Why You Feel The Way You Do
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