How Looking Within To Find That True SPARK Creates A Better World

“You cannot give what you do not have.” – We have heard this a hundred times. Sometimes we think that only the perfect, the popular, the famous, the rich, and the noble can make the world a better place. My guest, Philippa Robinson, is a Life Coach who has learned first hand how to look within to change her life experience. Join us.
How Can I Make This World Better?

“You cannot give what you do not have.” – We have heard this a hundred times. Sometimes we think that only the perfect, the popular, the famous, the rich, and the noble can make the world a better place. So you ask yourself, “How can an ordinary person like me make this world better?”. Often, this desire is overtaken by our bad experiences in life. And so, the doubt starts to creep in and make us think that we are not up for it because our life is much less ideal than the others.

Philippa studied law at university and she spent most of her career exploring the UK, subconsciously seeking “home”. She settled in the beautiful city of Bristol where she now lives with her husband, two teenage sons and “Bob The Dog”.

During her own personal transformation, through healing childhood trauma and learning to love and live for herself, she arrived at her soul mission to guide people to be the truest versions of themselves because she believes that is where the joy is in life and it’s the greatest gift we can give ourselves.

To help us answer the question,” What can I do to make this world better?”, Listen to our today’s episode with our special guest Philippa Robinson, a Life Coach to share her story of inspiration on how she turned her life’s experience into finding the spark within her that created change in her life, her motivation, and relationships.

Donnalynn Riley is a Joy Coach who knows what it takes to create joy in your life and why it’s worth the effort. Donnalynn has walked through dark times, as we all do, but with the benefit of an ever-present candle of internal joy to guide her. 

Donnalynn works with people who want to break through to another level of happiness in their lives and who know that the fastest, easiest way to create a joyous life is with the right support systems. Research shows that happiness has an impact on income, productivity and a healthier body. Her mission is to help high achievers realize that there is one element that is central to attaining more time, more money, and more freedom... and that element is fully in your control. It is the ability and willingness to consistently cultivate and nurture JOY. 

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How Looking Within To Find That True SPARK Creates A Better World
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